Saturday, July 11, 2009

More dead things, I am morbid.

Another pleasant summer stroll in the park interrupted by a trail of tears. First, a solitary bit of wing:

And a picked clean wishbone:

Ten feet away, the head of the unfortunate pigeon, tossed aside like a candy wrapper.

And if this display of machismo and general shreddingness weren't enough, there was THIS alarming corpse nearby:

The only predatory bird I have seen at the lake is a Cooper's hawk. They definitely pick the feathers off their prey and eat the breast meat, but I have never before seen one rip the wings and head off. And they are not big enough to kill a Canada Goose! That would be like a chihuahua bringing down a sheep! Though I guess one might eat an already-dead goose? I'm thinking that something a little more butch has moved into the neighborhood. A red tail perhaps?


  1. Whoa! It's like a serial killer mystery movie for birds!!!!

  2. Living in the Wild: the ultimate serial killer. and it selects its victims based on the most terrifying criterion of all: WEAKNESS!
