The thousands of geese at the Lake aren't the only ones getting a wardrobe makeover. Mallards also change their coats this time of year, and for a brief time they look terribly shabby and hardly any chic! I haven't gotten a great picture of it since, understandably, they like to hide from the paparazzi (and of course predators) during this awkward, flightless time.
On this mallard you can see that he's looking quite brown and scruffy around the eye, and it'll probably get worse as he continues to molt.

Pelicans are also supposed to have an eclipse plumage. Remember earlier when the pelican had that funny little head tuft? It has lost that, and is now sporting what looks like a bad case of head-mildew.

I remember reading that the beak bump falls off in one big chunk like a giant fingernail clipping. I'd love to find one of those lying around!
Do they shed their beak bumps yearly too?