Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mt. Diablo: Spring

It's been 6 months since I last went to Castle Rock/Mt Diablo. It's rained quite a bit since then, which makes a big difference in the landscape, both birdy and flowery (as symbolized by this shot of poppies and a bluebird nest box).

Not a single acorn woodpecker showed itself, but I did spot a Nuttall's woodpecker fighting a bluebird for a nest cavity:


And speaking of fierce, here's a terrible and blurry picture of a Cooper's Hawk lurking in the undergrowth.

Also going strong: lizards.

Darkling beetle in its tiny world:

I think this is a tent caterpillar.

And the highlight of the season, all the flow'rs:

Blue dicks:
Owl's clover:

Monkey Flower (and a cool holey rock)


  1. Nice pics!! I particularly like the beetle. :) how lush and verdant!

  2. I know, such a difference in greenery from October-November!
