I've been practicing my tern photography. Even though they are screeching past at rocket-like ninja speeds, I've figured out a few things that helped me get some slightly better shots.
First, the terns are somewhat predictable. They fly in big loops around a certain area (often the bird islands) again and again. So if you miss once, just wait a bit and you'll get a second chance.

Second, the camera's autofocus is way too slow. So to compensate, hold the button halfway and keep on holding it, locking in the focus at the right depth. Even if it takes 5 minutes for the tern to come back.

Third, do not attempt to photograph terns when there are geese nearby.

I also got some blurry photos that serve to illustrate how terns hunt:
Scope out the scene. Fly in a big loop.

Look straight down. There's gotta be a fish somewhere in all that algae.

Swoop down and investigate. Nope, that's not a fish.

Back up for another look. Hover. Oh THERE it is!


Gloat. Nyeh-nyeh, I got you fishy!
They have funny little skullcaps!! :D I love that splash, btw!