Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Point Pinole Adventures!

Did some sketching on Monday out at Point Pinole. I had never been there before, although now that I think of it I bet that I've passed through on Amtrak a few times. There are some nice views of the bay and some lovely wildflowers, like blue-eyed grass:

And lupine:
And lupine pollinators:
Long ago I remember going on a flower walk where the guide explained that each individual lupine blossom turns from white to red (or was it red to white?) once it has been pollinated, so that bees know where to go.

There were also some old ruins of bunkers scattered around. This one makes me think of the Barrow-Downs...

I also got a few grainy pictures of shorebirds through my binoculars... it's harder than it looks! Here is some kind of sandpiper:

And a very blurry Clark's grebe.


  1. Neat about the lupines changing color! Where do they go on the phase from white to red turning purple?

  2. So, you can kind of see in the picture, each blossom is part purple and then part maroon or part white (the white-purple combo is mostly at the very tips, which makes me think it must be white when unpollinated). So part of it is always just regular purple.
