Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mt. Diablo: Spring

It's been 6 months since I last went to Castle Rock/Mt Diablo. It's rained quite a bit since then, which makes a big difference in the landscape, both birdy and flowery (as symbolized by this shot of poppies and a bluebird nest box).

Not a single acorn woodpecker showed itself, but I did spot a Nuttall's woodpecker fighting a bluebird for a nest cavity:


And speaking of fierce, here's a terrible and blurry picture of a Cooper's Hawk lurking in the undergrowth.

Also going strong: lizards.

Darkling beetle in its tiny world:

I think this is a tent caterpillar.

And the highlight of the season, all the flow'rs:

Blue dicks:
Owl's clover:

Monkey Flower (and a cool holey rock)

Friday, April 16, 2010


I mentioned to my co-worker that I was seeing blackbirds on my way to work, and she responded "big deal, blackbirds, they're everywhere, who cares?" Brewer's blackbird is, admittedly, one of those trashy birds that is usually seen lowering property values in McDonald's parking lots, but there's something special about them for me, because they're absent in winter, and every spring they return to the same cluster of trees to nest. They're like robins,but cranky. Some of them also may be Narnia fans--they like this one particular lampost:

I see them chasing each other, but the magical moment where one pecks my head is still just a dream...

And just because, here is a video of the Brewer's Blackbird's cousins, Red-Winged Blackbirds, singing in Briones:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cedar Waxwings

For days now, on my way home from work, I have been hearing this wheedly little cheeping coming from the flowering cherry trees. Some flock of birds going "Wheat, Wheat, WHEEEEET, Cream of Wheat, Wil Wheaton, WHEEEEEEEE!"

It's Cedar Waxwings.

They look so cool. With their spiky hair and little bandit masks, they're like the Bird Pirate Roberts, or something.

They have other cool accessories too, like this awesome yellow tail stripe. The yellow color can be influenced by diet; some birds that eat a certain non-native berry get red tail stripes.

I took about a thousand pictures on "burst" mode and I got this nice surprise view of the tail stripe:
Another diet-based measure of health and robustness is in the wing feathers, which have these carotenoid filled red dots on them. Supposedly this looks like sealing wax (hence the name "waxwing") but apparently the dots are actually a modified part of the central vane of the feather. What are these red dots for? You mean BESIDES looking AWESOME? It is apparently a source of some speculation, but this article suggests that the birds add dots as they age, and thus they can look at each others' wings to avoid getting a crush on a Waxwing Lolita.

If humans could live on a mostly-fruit diet, I bet we'd have cool stripes on us too! In fact, I'm going to go eat some berries RIGHT NOW. Here's hoping.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Things I saw just walking around.

Lots of friends spotted at the lake today.

Lady ruddy duck, resting tidily on a small rock, probably on her way to breed somewhere cool:

When she saw me photographing her, she looked a bit indignant, then waddled off.

Resident pelican is getting all decked out in bright orange, head tuft, and the beginning of a beak bump poking out from behind the wing...

Eared grebes still going strong, but they'll be gone any time now...

I think I bore them: they're always yawning when I approach. Right before they dive underwater to show just how jaded they are.

A rare sighting of a land cormorant. It was pulling at some frayed string at the edge of the rowing dock. Nest materials perhaps?

Night heron with green and gray stripe background.

Some cheerful humans who got excited when they saw me pointing my camera into trees. So I took their picture too. They waved (not pictured).

And another in the series of "animals sniffing the camera."


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Double Crested Cormorant

Cormorants are shy and prefer to have their pictures taken underwater. Sometimes I can catch them when they are sunning themselves on the trash-catching buoy things. This one looks like it is wearing fake eyelashes to go with its beautiful blue eyes... but that's just the double-crest it's named for.

One thing I like about cormorants is the texture of their feathers. At a distance they look plain black, but up close, they are beautifully scaly. Each one of the edges you can see here is the result of a thin black border to the individual feathers. And see how the back feathers don't have that scaliness?

I love the shy-looking cormorant. Another subtle detail is the stripy beak.

Here's another cormorant that has a much more impressive crest. Maybe that's a triple crest?

You know it's spring when the pink flowers are blooming, and the cormorants are perching in dead trees, grunting like pigs.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I guess every bird has ears really. It should be called the metaphorically eared grebe.

Here is what a winter eared grebe looks like

And here are some gorgeous shots Tom got of them last weekend (yes, with the toilet-tube-o-scope):

Sassy McBigForehead:

Here you can see the big lobed feet typical of grebes:

And this one's just pretty. Worth clicking to see larger, it came out pretty crisp.

Yawn and foot stretch!

I have never heard an eared grebe make a sound. It's probably saving up its squawking energy for when it reaches its breeding grounds, probably some inland freshwater pond.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Crows are actualy pretty common at Lake Merrit, but they're even harder to photograph than Goldeneyes. They just hate it when you look at them. Maybe they're embarassed to be such a goth symbol when they just want to frolic in the daisies.

They prefer when they can glare disdainfully at you from the safety of a tree.

I also spotted a pair of ravens up in Redwood. One of the pair took up the traditional "mock-humans-from-a-tree" post, while the other one...

...did some strange jumping jacks near a picnic table.

It hopped up and down several times, gworked, and flew away.

But the winner of "Best Recent Corvid Picture" goes to Judy, who went on location to the Grand Canyon:

I read Bernd Heinrich's Mind of a Raven... I think this one might be showing a bit of the "fuzzy head" he describes as being typical of a bird being submissive. And look, here you can even see its niticating membrane (the bluish eye) as it blinks.

Both of these behaviors (blinking and fuzzy head) at the same time, plus a sound called "knocking," might indicate a female. Hard to know for sure though without more context; I'm no expert!